Akshat Tarun Das' CV
Akshat Tarun Das
Last Updated:
7 years ago
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Akshat Tarun Das' Curriculum Vitae

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Akshat Tarun Das' Curriculum Vitae
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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\multirow{1}{*}{\LARGE \textbf{Akshat Tarun Das}} & & \\
& & \\
University of Houston & \multicolumn{1}{r}{Phone:\;\;} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{$+$1 (832) 314 6373} \\
Department of Mathematics & \multicolumn{1}{r}{Email:\;\;} &\multicolumn{1}{l}{\href{atdas@math.uh.edu}{atdas@math.uh.edu}} \\
Philip Guthrie Hoffman Hall & \\
3551 Cullen Blvd., Room 343 & \\
Houston, Texas 77204-3008 USA
& \\
\textbf{\textsuperscript{†}} \emph{Indicates expected}
\multirow{2}{*}[0.85em]{2017--2022 \textsuperscript{\textbf{\textdagger}}} & Ph.D. Mathematics\\
& Department of Mathematics, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA \\
2015--2017 & M.Sc. Mathematics \\
& St. Stephen's College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India \\
2012--2015 & B.Sc. Mathematics \\
& The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat, India \\
2017--Present & Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics, University of Houston \\
2017--Present & Secretary, UH-AMS Chapter, University of Houston \\
2016--2017 & Vice-President, Ananya-The Placement Cell, Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi \\
2015--2017 & Main Coordinator, Pi Day Organizing Committee, Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi \\
\subsection{Teaching Assistant}\label{teaching-assistant}
Fall 2017 & MATH 1431, Calculus I & University of Houston \\
\subsection{Academic Events Attended}\label{Academic Events Attended}
2016 & Level II of the Mathematics Training and & Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras \\
& Talent Search (MTTS) Program 2016 \\
2014 & Winter Student with Dr. Dishant Pancholi & Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai \\
\subsection{Awards and Achievements}\label{Awards and Achievements}
2017 & Teaching Assistantship (For 5 years), University of Houston \\
2017 & Graduate Tuition Fellowship (For 5 years), University of Houston \\
2014 & One of the Top 15 students of Gujarat State in Prof. A.R. Rao Competition of
Mathematics (Gujarat Ganit Mandal), 2014. \\
2014 & Stood Third in Gujarat State in Prof. A.R. Rao Essay Writing Competition of
Mathematics (Gujarat Ganit Mandal), 2014. \\
2013 & Selected for level ‘O’ of MTTS Programme, 2013. \\
2013 & Stood Second in Vadodara City in Prof. A.R. Rao Competition of Mathematics
(Gujarat Ganit Mandal), 2013. \\
2009--2010 & Won the Regional Level CBSE Science Exhibition (Mathematical Modeling Section)
in 2009 and 2010 and hence qualified for the National Level CBSE Science
Exhibition in 2009 and 2010. \\
2007 & Stood Second in Gujarat State in the State Level Inter School Slams Fair-
2007(Mathematical Modelling Section). \\
\subsection{Co-Curricular Activities}\label{Co-curricular Activities}
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\item Actively participated in various Science Fairs and Quiz Competitions at High School
and Undergraduate Level.
\item Actively organized Cultural and Educational Events on various occasions.
\item Consistent member of Badminton Teams in High School, University, State and
National level.
\item Class Representative(M.Sc.), Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi, Delhi.
\item Active Blogger, {Blogsite:\;\;}{\href{https://thoughtsaboutlife1.wordpress.com/}{https://thoughtsaboutlife1.wordpress.com/}}
\subsection{List of Topics Studied in the Last Two Years}\label{List of Topics Studied in the Last Two Years}
\textbf{2017} & \textbf{Fall Semester (PhD) at University of Houston:} \\
\item Modern Algebra
\item Topology
\item Functions of Real Variables
\end{itemize} \\
& \textbf{Fourth Semester (MSc) at University of Delhi:} \\
\item Simplicial Homology Theory
\item Calculus on Rn
\item Abstract Harmonic Analysis
\item Optimization Techniques and Control Theory
\item Topological Dynamics
\end{itemize} \\
\textbf{2016} & \textbf{Third Semester (MSc) at University of Delhi:} \\
\item Measure Theory
\item Topology II
\item Fourier Analysis
\item Coding Theory
\item Algebraic Topology
\end{itemize} \\
& \textbf{Second Semester (MSc) at University of Delhi:} \\
\item Module Theory
\item Topolgy I
\item Functional Analysis
\item Fluid Dynamics
\end{itemize} \\
\textbf{2015} & \textbf{First Semester (MSc) at University of Delhi:} \\
\item Field Theory
\item Measure and Integration
\item Differential Equations
\item Complex Analysis
\end{itemize} \\
\subsection{Project Work Undertaken}\label{Project Work Undertaken}
I did a project titled “Innovations in Science and Technology: A Mathematical Perspective”
during the Open House and Science Exhibition organised by Faculty of Science, The M.S.
University of Baroda, Vadodara in association with the Indian Science Congress Association
in January 2014. I studied famous problems like the Konigsberg Bridge Problem and Four
Colour Problem that have been solved with the help of Graph Theory. I looked into an
introductory course on Cryptography and did a comprehensive research regarding the various
applications of cryptography that awe come across in our daily lives. It was rather fascinating
to see how patterns in real life like that of a flower can be related to the Fibonacci Sequence,
how the structure of the Acropolis in Greece can be related with the Golden Ratio and a
recent mathematical explanation, which uses non linear integral equations, for the success of
the design of the Eiffel Tower. The project also involved a study of the applications of
computer graphics and image processing in our lives, the use of differential equations to study
aspects like time required in the cooking of a cake and the patterns of bacterial growth. It also
involved a brief study of fuzzy logic and its use in washing machines, cookers, etc. All these
things were then compiled into a PowerPoint Presentation which I presented.